Chemical Air Dryers

Chemical Air Dryers

The lightweight new modular series dryers have brought a fresh perspective to the compressed air industry because these products are both easy to install and meet many customer requirements. Power’s new modular series chemical dryers are half the weight of standard tank dryers. Even the largest capacity models can fit through a standard door.



The lightweight new modular series dryers bring a fresh perspective to the compressed air industry, as these products are both easy to install and meet many customer requirements. Power’s new modular series chemical dryers are half the weight of standard tank dryers. Even the largest capacity models can fit through a standard door.

Power’s innovative Modular Air Dryers offer the flexibility to deliver high-quality compressed air service wherever it is needed.

Power’s Modular chemical dryers are aesthetically pleasing, making them suitable for use in very clean and neat environments. With a product range spanning from 5 m³/h to 400 m³/h and temperatures from -40°C to -70°C (optional), the product meets a wide variety of needs. To make the product operational, simply connect the inlet and outlet and plug it into an electrical source.

With its high-engineering inlet valve and outlet manifold design, it proudly offers the dryer with the lowest pressure drop in the industry. The new modular chemical dryers combine the proven principles of traditional dryers with the latest technology, delivering unmatched efficiency and flexibility while bringing globally recognized reliability to your applications with clean, high-quality, and dry air.


  • Quick installation and maintenance
  • Small footprint, lightweight, and compact design
  • Corrosion-resistant aluminum body structure
  • Reliable and hassle-free electronic control panel
  • Floor, bench, or wall mounting capability
  • A product that can be installed in almost any working environment

Various Application Options

Modular chemical-type air dryers can be easily floor-mounted and can also be wall-mounted when space-saving is needed.

PLC Monitor

The mini PLC is extremely user-friendly and provides real-time monitoring of operational processes. Receiving alarm signals or giving remote commands is straightforward thanks to the product’s connection plug.

Technical Specifications

Model Capacity Connection Max. Working Pressure (barg) Voltage Weight (Kg) Dimensions (mm)
m3/time scfm Width Length Height
PMD3 5 3 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 17 320 336 558
PMD5 10 5 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 19 320 320 633
PMDl0 20 10 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 27 320 320 908
PMD15 25 15 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 31 370 350 808
PMD20 20 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 42 370 350 1108
PMD25 25 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 48 370 350 1258
PMD30 50 30 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 370 350 1508
PMD40 70 40 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 71 410 495 1250
PMD50 85 50 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 410 495 1400
PMD60 100 60 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 92 410 495 1750
PMD75 130 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 120 430 622 1300
PMDl00 170 100 1 1/2″ 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 133 430 622 1450
PMD120 200 120 112· 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 152 430 622 1750
PMD180 300 180 1 1/2″ 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 186 410 734 1499
PMD240 400 240 1 1/2″ 16 115-240V/50-60Hz 235 410 889 1497





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The operating principle of production machines in many different industries today is based on pneumatic systems. The first and most important requirement for the operation of such automation systems is clean and dry compressed air. Since compressed air is produced by compressors, compressors are the heart of an industrial facility, and thus of the industry.


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